The programme structure is designed for individuals who already have relevant working experience and come from different backgrounds. The LJUBLJANA MBA equips you with skills and knowledge that stimulate your success in business, it covers all the important functional areas and goes far beyond the classroom. From hands-on workshops, simulations and company projects to an international study trip. It is designed to help you become a strategic thinker and a business-ready professional.
You don’t need to stop working to do an MBA and leverage your career! Our flexible schedule allows candidates with busy lives to have time for their families, their careers, and their MBA.
Leadership Capacity
Negotiation and Cross
Cultural Communication
One-to one
coaching development
LJUBLJANA MBA is one of the very few MBA programmes in the world to introduce neuroscience as a key tool for improving leadership competences. We provide actual analyses of the MBA participants’ brains with an electroencephalogram and other neuro-tech, to show them where they are and what they need to improve. This brings an extremely innovative approach in applying neuroscience research to MBA participants. Only a few MBA programmes around the world are using this modern practice in their programmes to show their participants a very interesting picture of leadership and related capabilities, such as empathy, resilience, and a growth mindset.