LJUBLJANA MBA Annual Awards 2018 – Best Alumni
David Marjanović, Petrol
David, your colleague’s Alumni choose you for the FELU MBA Annual award for Best Alumnus. What does this mean to you?
I never thought about it in terms of personal meaning, but more as perception and recognition from my Alumni colleagues. It seems I was able to interact with them throughout our studies in such a way that they found me as their final candidate of choice for the MBA Annual award for Best Alumnus. This kind of external recognition is always great feedback and push for the future. Especially if you are among the youngest ones in your generation.
What are the most important decisions/challenges that you face daily as a leader in your organization?
Never forget to learn, even from situations that you think are just part of the daily routine and are not even part of your job description. Every decision always affects someone in your organization. I always consider investing my time to whom I interact with, by trying to understand their needs and impulses, Trying to recognize their time spent and effort in the organization, gives me further leverage for decision making. Earning trust is a hard, but very important daily challenge.
As an individual and professional, how do you operate today (after your MBA degree)? What’s different from before, during the MBA course?
Different for me… was to find a new career opportunity in a company that will support my further development. A new career path is one of them.
I always considered a network of people as essential access to the experience and knowledge and I mean a network of people with a very broad meaning. During our studies, you interact with many different people. You try to keep up with your activities as best you can and in between, you try to acquire/accumulate as much knowledge as possible. However, the added value is that you are given a unique chance to operate with experienced professionals. With their foot on the ground type of experience, you learn and you feel like having a patron in every situation. My general feeling is, somehow you become unconsciously better. You reinvent yourself and if that is not enough for you, you do it with people who become your friends.